Finally paid my urut lady a visit. I love her to death! Husband found her for me while I was pregnant. She is awesome. She just keeps sighing and going.. aiyoh so stiff, aiyoh masuk angin semua. I totally believe in this angin business, as she kneads on my muscles I can feel the "wind" being released and accumulating in my tummy. Which was why I was super good during confinement and wore long sleeves and pants with socks throughout, despite the heat in Singapore.

My fingers would feel numb from all that hand washing although I used warm water. So my mom made the confinement nanny prepare this ginger and white wine concoction to soak my hands in each night. Husband lagi pantang, he watched me like a hawk whenever he was in SG. If I was in the room everyone had to suffer in heat because he wouldn't allow the fans to be turned on. Air con is ok, but have to sit away from the draft. Until now he would nag nag nag when I leave my hair wet after I shower.

He would keep saying, you better be good otherwise you will regret it later. I'm surprised I survived through those 40 days without going mad from the constant nagging of him and my mom. My MIL bestie was even better. She screamed at me for getting out of bed and sitting with my legs crossed. She said she stayed in bed with her legs straight for a full 40 days for each of her 4 children. OMG 😱

Speaking of confinement, @notaitailife maternity leave fairytale is a work of art! So funny! Genius!

Reading about the MH17 tragedy and those innocent lives lost. Was whatsapping my bffs, chitter chattering over holiday and travel plans when the husband broke the news to me last night. For a while I didn't know how to react to it because what were the possibilities? A solemn reminder of the fragility of life. A little morbid, but each time he travels I would tell him I love him before he switches off his phone because if *choy touch wood* smthing happens that would be my last words to him.

"Why, hello there." The little rascal at work this afternoon while I was trying to put her down for her nap.

Every time my FIL comes to play with her, he gives me these looks of sympathy and tells me aiyoh jaga anak ini chapek bener ( so tiring to watch this child). Don't know if he kesian me or trying to tell me my child is a rascal. I think the former la since his precious chuchu can do no wrong in his eyes.

My FIL is a little girl crazy. He loves baby girls. He used to play with random baby girls we meet at the supermarket or restaurants or his grand nieces. He doesn't give the same attention to baby boys.

So before N was born, my husband once laughed,"Aiyoh if baby turns out to be a girl she would be spoilt rotten by her grandpas and uncles.". My own dad is also a little biased towards girls. The next day we found out we were expecting a girl. Fated la.