7 July 2014

N within the pillow fort that we built for her. Ever since she fell from the bed 2 months ago, we’ve been a bit paranoid. She has no concept of danger.

Story of my life. Wait for thy husband to have breakfast, wait for him to go to office, wait for him to go home, wait for him to have dinner. Isn’t it usually the men who are left waiting for their GF/wives?

Woots! No need to wait for husband to go home today. Came home with the driver first, bet our driver is equally happy to knock off early #doublewin

Best part of the day is when N greets me at the door with a look of pure joy, legs kicking and gives me a big wet slobbering kiss complete with tongue! I seriously have no idea where she picked up the tongue part from. She’s been doing it since a few months old. It’s so shocking yet funny at the same time. My amorous 9 month old.