
Decided to jump on the Dayre bandwagon after being a silent reader of other Dayre mommies for a long while. Hopefully this would help me note down N’s moments more effectively and remind me of what I did when the husband asks “what did you do today?” When he comes home.

Received N’s photos from the photographer yesterday and this has got to be my favourite. It took the husband and photographer countless tries to capture this one perfect shot. Husband had to put on the glasses gingerly without N noticing and Ian the photographer had to snap before N pulled it off. It was hilarious. Love Ian’s work and their attention to details in their settings.

I admit that I whine a far bit but N really brings whining to a whole new level today. Want to bathe, whine. Get out of bath, whine. Put on clothes and diaper, whine. Sleepy, whine. Fall asleep, whine. Dreaming, whines some more! The husband has guests in town so there’s no help today.

Feeling especially triumphant when N napped from 2 to 4 today. She usually hates napping and would nap for 45 mins, max. Even our helper was surprised. Probably still “hungover” from the activities last night.

However because she woke up an hour later, her entire schedule was pushed back as well. Didn’t know if we should let her nap after her bath at 5 since she just woke up at 4. Since she was in such a good mood, decided to let her play. Bad move! She started to whine again at 6.

Refused dinner, refused to nurse. Kept rubbing her eyes and shaking her head so I tried to put her to sleep, but she refused to sleep and kept whining. I got more and more gan cheong as the minute pass because I have to leave to join the husband for dinner. Fml. Thankfully, I managed to rock her to sleep by 7pm, but she ended up waking at 7.45 for dinner and was still up when I came home at 10 which was way past her 8pm bedtime. Super ultra awake and ready to play. It’s going to be a long night…