Time to wean…

The husband and I agreed it’s time to wean. Not from the boobs, but weaning N from mommy. Mommy is akin to drugs to N. Some times in the middle of the night she would groggily grab my clothes, hair or arms and inhale deeply while half asleep. Getting a fix we called it. It was cute at first but it’s becoming a problem.

Whenever mommy is home, she wants no one else. In the past it was only applicable in the evening but it seems to be all day now.

Last night, the husband tried to put her to sleep while I hid in our closet to churn out a last minute email. She would have none of it. The crying got louder and more desperate until even he got angry with her. She only stopped when I emerge from the closet to pick her up. Once I left her, she would start twisting towards the closet and sobbed. 💔

Same thing happened just now. She was falling asleep when I came home. The moment she realised I was home. She started whining again until I carried her.

It doesn’t help that I’m incredibly soft hearted with her. I cannot stand it when she starts crying especially when she starts gasping and hyper ventilating. Omg it drives me insane. So how to wean her if cannot let her cry it out?

Husband keeps saying I spoil her and if we don’t do something about it, is she going to bring mommy with her to college in future?

She seems to sleep fine in the day with our helper when I’m not around though. How?Hide outside all day?